Our Bible Classes

Our Bible Classes

At South Cullman church of Christ, we strive to live like God wants us to live.

Therefore, we believe it to be important that our children start learning how God intends for His people to live from the youngest of ages. To do that, we simply teach the Bible. And we teach the Bible to all ages. In doing so, we teach our children the great stories of God’s Word. However, we don’t just teach them as stories; we teach them as real events. And the reason for that is simple; the stories in the Bible were real historical events.

In addition, our Bible classes teach children and adults to understand and memorize specific Bible Events, Bible Characters, and Bible verses. Finally, our Bible classes do not just teach the stories of the Bible and various people, places, and facts to remember, but they teach our adults and children how to apply the lessons revealed within its pages.

The Apostle Paul tells the young evangelist Timothy that "All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16-17)." Therefore, we believe that it is vital that we know the Bible, understand the Bible, and live the Bible. We must show each student of the Bible, how the Bible applies to our lives. In doing that, we believe that our Bible Class Program will be successful in helping Christians maintain a proper respect for God, His Word, and His Work.

2023 Adult Class Options

Winter Quarter

1 & 2 Samuel - Jacob Black

Acts  - Justin Pragel

Spring Quarter

1 Kings - Micah Rice

Evangelism - Jim Deason

Summer Quarter

2 Kings - Whit Rice

Romans - Jarred McCrary

Fall Quarter

Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther - Brandon Swann

Stewardship - Jim Deason